A “Tabernero” was a tavern keeper in Medieval Spain; a tabernero features as a character in Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote. A tavern is a place of business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages and be served food, and (mostly historically) where travellers would receive lodging. The word derives from the Latin taberna whose original meaning was a shed, workshop, stall, or pub. Tabernero is a Supply Chain Management application for restaurants, cafes and any other type of business preparing and serving food to their clients. Supply chain management systems span the activities of procurement, product lifecycle management, supply chain planning (including inventory planning and the maintenance of enterprise assets and production lines), logistics (including transportation and fleet management), and order management. Tabernero can partner with our Employee Management Systems (EMS), Chancellor. It's been developed to work along side Version 4.0 of Chancellor and together form a strong solution for any business. Version 2.1 now provides Bar Management facilities, including venue layout design and walk-in ordering from a graphical representation of your venue. It provides graphical ordering menu facilities to Restaurant and Bar Management facilities. It also provides improved stock levels monitoring and easily facilitates re-ordering. So what does Tabernero do? |
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Tabernero manages your customer records, booking and takeaway/delivery orders. It provides a full set of Accounting facilities. It provides restaurant table booking facilities. It records you guests orders and sends them to the kitchen for preparation. It records your payroll expenses. It manages vehicle usage and expenses. It manages the organisation’s employee details records. It assists the preparation of shift staff allocation by defining shift and providing facility to allocate staff to the various roles in a shift. It provides capacity planning facilities to assist with shift planning in order to meet your venue's opening hours. It provides support for the management of staff expenses. It allows for the recording of timesheets which can then be submitted to the employee’s manager for review and approval. It allows managers to review and approve/reject timesheets or individual entries. Tabernero maintains units of measurement (UOM), types of leave and public holidays that are used by the rest of the application. |
Tabernero maintains your employee’s details including their personal details, manager, next of kin, a photo, email address and network user id, employment details, remuneration details. It stores any documents, like resumes as attachments. It can record the different positions the employee has held with the organisation; any payroll additional allowances or any deductions applicable to the employee; the banking details to use by payroll for the employee; the superannuation, if applicable, account(s) details to use by payroll for the employee; and general notes. You can save a photo of the employee and generate a unique id for that employee. The barcode generated used the common Code 39 barcode type used for various labels such as name badges, inventory and industrial applications. The symbology of the Code 39 character set consists of barcode symbols representing numbers 0-9, upper-case letters A-Z, the space character and the following symbols: – . $ / + %. Lower-case characters may also be used. The photo and barcode will appear on the employee’s ID card when produced. It can generate an employees address book and phone list. |
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Tabernero maintains your customer’s details including their personal details, email address and delivery address. Obviously the address is used when the customer places a takeaway delivery order. When a new customer places a takeaway order or books a table, Tabernero automatically records their details in the customer list for future reference. |
Tabernero provides accounting/financial report to support the financial administration of the organisation. Most of these reports can be viewed on an enquiry screen, generated as a PDF or printed out. These reports include:
Obviously, these reports are generated using the expenses and income data recorded throughout the application, which is recorded using classes and categories to support the financial reporting. |
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Tabernero can define recipes for the preparation of the meals which are then available for takeaway or ordering in your restaurant. It can record the ingredients and their quantity required. It can define multiple options, if required for a meal like small, normal or large. To support takeaway or delivered orders, Tabernero can also record the packaging requirements for each meal. This information is then used to maintain the stock inventory and calculate pricing. |
Tabernero support the product inventory process by defining inventory items. These inventory items could be products would be raw materials purchased from suppliers or products manufactured using these purchased items from suppliers. >Tabernero can assist in analysis inventory consumption. Tabernero can also store any documents relating to the customer that you require to keep for future reference. |
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Tabernero supports the purchasing process for raw materials, and warehousing, to support the manufacturing process. It can maintain a store of available items and manage its re-stocking. It maintains a list of suppliers and the items they supply. It can issue purchasing orders and maintains an inventory of these. As items are either sold or used to in the manufacturing process, it updates the inventory so that the current available stock of any item is known. You can view at any time the purchase transactions and inventory transactions. Tabernero can print a report which items require re-ordering to maintain the stock levels preferred. It can produce many reports that assist in analysing the inventory. It can also print a Suppliers Directory listing every supplier and the items they provide; this can be used as an easy reference when ordering new stock. |
Tabernero supports a takeaway and delivery service provided by your venue. Orders are taken from a takeaway menu that you define; this allows for the possibility that some of your offerings are only available for dine-in or takeaway. Tabernero can check if enough raw materials stock is available at the time of ordering and inform your staff if not. This eliminates the problem that a customer orders a meal only to be told later that it's not available; customers tend to be less disappointed if they are informed of this unavailability immediately rather than at a later time. |
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Tabernero manages booking of table for dine-in customers using a calendar based approach and utilises the number of guests being booked against the availability of tables with that capacity. When the booked party arrives, Tabernero can record this. |
Tabernero supports a dine-in mode provided by your venue. Orders are taken from a dine-in menu that you define; this allows for the possibility that some of your offerings are only available for dine-in or takeaway. Once again, Tabernero can check if enough raw materials stock is available at the time of ordering and inform your staff if not. This eliminates the problem that a customer orders a meal only to be told later that it's not available; customers tend to be less disappointed if they are informed of this unavailability immediately rather than at a later time. |
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Once again, Tabernero can check if enough raw materials stock is available at the time of ordering and inform your staff if not. This eliminates the problem that a customer orders a meal only to be told later that it's not available; customers tend to be less disappointed if they are informed of this unavailability immediately rather than at a later time. |
Tabernero records the tables available, staff member responsible, capacity and as to whether they are currently available. ![]() |
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Tabernero can record a graphical layout of your venue using the background floorplan, which can be saved during setup, and the table images already saved. Then, when operating in bar mode, this floorplan is shown and double clicking on a table image will initiate the order recording. |
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Tabernero can present an order queue to venue staff that will assist in recording orders, viewing them and finally generating invoices. This allows for easy management of your dine-in orders from arrival to departure. It also shows a list of all outstanding orders to kitchen staff and can print order dockets printed on an ESC/POS 80mm thermal printer which is attached to the workstation and defined in Tabernero's setup. |
Tabernero support the generation of shift resourcing plans. Shifts and the different roles/jobs within these shifts can be defined. Plans can be put together in a graphical calendar representation which can also be printed and distributed to staff. Tabernero reviews each resourcing selection to ensure that a staff member has no overlapping shift. It also ensures that a staff member is not allocated to shifts without a normal shift gap in between, i.e. no 2 shifts in a row, in order to manage staff fatigue. |
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Tabernero can then generate an invoice/receipt for either the takeaway/delivery or dine-in order. It can print such an invoice/receipt. It can record payment(s) made and then complete the order. The receipt is printed on an ESC/POS 80mm thermal printer which is attached to the workstation and defined in Tabernero's setup. The invoice is a full detailed invoice printed on any standard printer. This information is then used by the Accounting facilities. |
Tabernero allows staff to make claims for refunds of working expenses. These claims can take one of two forms: mileage claims for travel or cash expenses; for cash expenses the staff member can attach supporting documentation, including receipts and invoices. Tabernero supports the scanning of these attachment through a TWAIN compliant scanner. The staff member submits the claim and it's then sent to their manager for review and approval. It provides multiple reports to support monitoring and managing of these claims. |
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Tabernero provides facilities to develop menus using the define meal or recipes, as outlined above. Multiple of these menus can be defined. Tabernero can then assign the applicable dine-in and takeaway menu to each week; therefore, if required, each week can have a different menu and, therefore, a different selection of meals/products available. |
Tabernero supports fleet or vehicle management. It can record details of the vehicles managed by the organisation. It can also record details of authorised staff owned vehicles that can be used for business purposes. Tabernero can records trips undertaken by staff in these vehicles for business purposes and then process refunding of costs to staff. These costs are also added to the organisation's balance sheet. |
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Tabernero uses the timesheet data to calculate payroll costs; this data can be manually entered into Tabernero, can be imported from another source using a Microsoft Excel file or, if Chancellor is installed and linked, can be collected from its timesheeting facility. These costs are then added to the balance sheet so that a full picture of the financial state of the organisation can be viewed. As mentioned, Tabernero can import a payroll expenses report from your payroll solution; for that purpose a sample layout Excel (.xls) file is included so that the format of this file can be identified. |
Tabernero, as already mentioned, supports the operation of stores within the organisation. It can maintain stores of available items and manage re-stocking. It maintains a list of suppliers and the items they supply. It can issue purchasing orders and maintains an inventory of these. It can receive requests for items and fill them and update the inventory so that the current available stock of any item is known. You can view at any time the purchase transactions and inventory transactions. Tabernero can print a report which items require re-ordering to maintain the stock levels preferred. It can produce many reports that assist in analysing the inventory. It can also print a Suppliers Directory listing every supplier and the items they provide; this can be used as an easy reference when ordering new stock. |
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Tabernero provides inbuilt Emailing facilities. Emails can be imported from your Email Server without the need for an Email client like Microsoft Outlook. These Emails are then stored within the database along with any attached documents. Emails can be printed.
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Tabernero can also send Emails through your Email Server without the need for an Email client like Microsoft Outlook. These Emails are then stored within the database. |
While the main Chancellor application is for use by staff directly involved in the business processes covered by Chancellor, we also provide a supporting application, Chancellor Employee Portal. This application if for all other staff members and allows then to perform the functions that they require, like:
And what's more important, this application is free; purchase licenses for the use to the full Chancellor application and then you can distributed this portal application to all other staff members. |
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Tabernero is available in 5, 10 and 20 terminals licenses; but we're happy to negotiate any other arrangement. Just contact us. |